Tuesday, April 5, 2011

WhataBurger: Just the Way You Thought You Liked It

Thesis: A classic Whataburger ad claims to be, “Just like you like it”. The image is of a one of their famous Whataburger Burger – dressed with onions, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles; all the works. Whataburger always suggest that if you come to our restaurant, they will make it, as their slogan states, “Just the way you like it” however, is it really just the way we like it? Whataburger ads fail to claim that most of their meals are packed with empty calories, have ridiculous proportion sizes, exploit their workers, and often don’t make it the way you like it.

Lastly, their slogan, “Just the way you like it” is often an elaborate slogan of lies. For, it is never the way you like it. As stated before, many people want to have their cake and eat it too, which for Whataburger is impossible. Once again, Ashley Terrell gives me some insight on what happens behind the counter when she is taking orders. She states, “We are obligated to persuade the costumer to ordering more than what he or she wants. For example, I’ll say, ‘For just 25 cents more, you can get a large fries with that.’ Or ‘Are you sure you don’t want a hot fudge brownie pie with that?’ Its all just a game of bidding and persuasion. Costumers usually order what I suggest and some even yell at me, displeased at my [bargaining]. It’s never that way they want it, it’s the way we want you to want it.” This discovery shocked me, the fact that Whataburger employees are trying their hardest to get you to buy more food than what you already need. It’s like the trap that obesity sets out for all of its victims and orange clad workers are just puppets of disguise.


  1. Lesha;

    Your title grabbed my attention right away and made me laugh haha, it is funny and creative. I like your thesis a lot, especially since you mention the workers makes me want to read about that.I liked how your paragraph is talking about employees being paid to sell more to costumers than needed, it really shows a different side of fast food resturants many don't know about. I like your paragraph, makes me want to read more and see your redesign ad.

    Good job :)

  2. I liked your relation of the orange outfits to "puppets", but the body seemed to just be an excerpt from your essay and didn't really elaborate on the thesis you stated. Therefore, it is hard to see why you made these claims, seeing that you haven't supported your arguement.

  3. Great research Lesha. I enjoyed reading your article because it put Whataburger on its place by bringing attention to their slogan and how in real life is not true. I agree with your claim on how the consumer does not really have it their way since your research proved how the employee is used to persuade the customer into adding more items to their order. Your body paragraph was very informative and your sources were well applied into your argument.

  4. Sure but its pretty obvious when they doing what EVERYONE in the country calls upselling. Every restaurant does it when they show you a wine menu. Every fast food chain does it as well. I'm loving it? No they are loving their stocks going up. Have it your way? Nope they do it as well. GAP? 50% off sale??? Ya. After they mark everything up 400%. Its sales. Its everywhere. Car dealerships, malls, kiosks, toy stores fireworks stands, political parties, cancer reseaech donatiin funds. Just think your article is muchado about nothing is all.
