Body Paragraph: Last, but not least, the ad is making the claim that Subway sandwiches are healthy, but this is definitely not true. In the ad readers see a delicious-looking sandwich in the background that is stuffed with chicken and fresh vegetables. The ad makes the sandwich look good and surrounds it with slogans that promote weight loss and freshness, but in reality a lot of sandwiches on the Subway menu are incredibly unhealthy. Gregg Cebrzynski, a writer for Nation’s Restaurant News, reveals that Subway “doesn’t mention that its 6-inch Chicken and Bacon Ranch sandwich has 25 grams of fat or that its tuna sub with cheese contains 32 grams of fat” (Cebrzynski 1). The meatball marinara, another popular Subway sandwich, has an astounding 1,160 calories and 46 grams of fat. That is worse than the McDonald’s Big Mac which only has 590 calories and 34 grams of fat. These statistics are crucial in disproving the omissions made by the Subway ad featuring Jared Fogle. The ad claims that Subway and Fogle have started a weight loss revolution, but how could this be possible with menu items loaded with fat and calories? The ad definitely does not tell the whole truth and readers should definitely know that all Subway sandwiches are not as healthy as they are made out to be.
I always hated the Subway commericals with Jared because I thought they lied. There is no possible way that someone could eat any of the sandwiches there and lose weight. It just isn't possible in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI knew that the meatball sandwich was unhealthy but I didn't know that it was that high in fat. That's almost sickening to think about. It's not just the fat content that got to be but the calorie content too. Did you know it takes only 1,000 calories to gain a pound but 3,500 to lose it? So eating this sandwich is another pound added to your body if you don't excercise properly. All I can say is wow!
I really enjoyed reading your paragraph about the lies behind the Subway ad and it definately makes me think twice about what other lies Subway produces....
Subway claims to have healthy sandwiches and they do but there are only a select few and if any item on the sandwich is changed or added then it becomes unhealthy. I found it intersting that the meatball sandwich is worst than a bigmac. I like the way the ad is describe in the paragraph.
ReplyDeleteI personally love subway and dont care about how healthy they are. on the contrary, I did not realize just how unhealthy they are. I may think twice about lunch today. Nice paper, and very interesting.
ReplyDeleteI liked the way you justified the false claims of Subway. The way of writing is very clear and straightforward. The problem with Subway is their obvious lies about the connection between their food and dieting, especially the fact that they don't tell how many people gained weight by eating their food.
ReplyDeleteI like this post, however I disagree with not losing weight if you eat from Subway. Yes, they do abuse Jared, but it is possible to lose weight on a Subway diet.
ReplyDeletePeople don't understand that you go to Subway, pick out any sandwhich you want and you will magically lose the weight. You have to dress the sandwhich appropiately. Its like a salad - if you add cheese, tons a dressing, ham, and other things, the salad loses what makes it healthy.
On the other hand, very, very interesting paper topic. I love how you stated how their commercials go after emotion and its very effective because so many Americans struggle with their weight.
Very good!