Monday, April 4, 2011

While this Burger King advertisement claims that its burgers can make up for a person's desire for intimacy, I will argue that that the food advertised is not a safe way to make up for lack of intimacy because it leads to obesity, false advertisement as the burger does not look like it is advertised and creates sexism in food.

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While this Burger King advertisement is for general public it is directed more towards females, apparently women are the ones who require companionship and look for food when they don’t obtain it, which produces sexism in food advertised. Katherine Parkin, writer of “The Sex of food and Ernest Ditcher: The Illusion of Inevitability”, stated in her research of sexism in food that “Advertisers have long turned to psychologist in their efforts to understand how to motivate human desires” (Parkin 2). This fact is shown in the ad of Burger King, where they aim for single women in need of sexual activity. The words “It’ll blow your mind away” in the ad is striking to these women because they relate it to what they desire and do not have, therefore the ad appealed to their most intimate wants and needs. Parkin also mentions how advertisers have created gender roles in their own foods, therefore convincing people to just buy the masculine or feminine product depending on their sex. It is stated that women who are single, tend to eat more than they should because they suffer from loss of love and end up eating their feeling out due to their circumstances. The Burger King knows this and has produced this ad so women can go buy their new burger, they might not have a partner in love, but they will always have food to make them feel satisfied.


  1. I think that your view on how the ad is directed on females is a great point. The form of using a scholarly article to make your point valid and solid its a great strategy.

  2. I love your argument on this ad and I think you nailed what Burger King was trying to get at. Not only does the ad appeal to women but it does it in a very sexual way. The size of the burger plus the "oh" expression on the woman's face is very sexual. Do you remember where you found this ad? I would think it would be in a man's magazine due to the sexual nature of this ad.

    I agree with your source that single women tend to eat more because they are trying to fill a void. I know that I eat more when I'm not dating someone and less when I am, but that's just personal experience.

    I liked your ending sentence. It makes a very valid point and made me laugh. :)

  3. The exploration in gender roles in advertisement is quite intresting. The analysis of why some single women eat this supports your arguement. I agree with your point that women will tend to find food in order to make them feel satisfied.
