Monday, April 4, 2011


The claims made by Subway restaurants advertisements that the menu offerings are low in calories are true, but the whole truth is not really being conveyed to potential customers.
Sometimes organizations that advertise do not always tell the entire truth about things. Sometimes they find it necessary to leave certain things out of their ads in order to shed a better light on their place of business. Not to say that they are actually false advertising, just that perhaps they may have overlooked the entire truth. After all, how many people would come to a restaurant if they claim to have a low fat sub, but you can’t have any meat, cheese or mustard or mayonnaise on it, suddenly the sandwich doesn’t sound so appealing? Things that were never mentioned in the advertising about Jared losing all of his weight, was the fact that Jared would “skip breakfast, eat a small Turkey subway sandwich for lunch, and a large vegetable delight subway for dinner along with some baked potato chips and a diet soda”. According to an interview that Jared Fogle did with correspondent Richard Schlesinger “Jared weighed a staggering 425 pounds” (Leung, Rebecca). Jared Fogle was eating up to 10,000 calories per day. After starting his diet he started consuming only 2000 calories per day.


  1. I like your diction throughout your paper because it is very conversational. This conversational attitude makes reading your paper very easy and much more relatable. Your thesis seems to be very straightforward which is something I really enjoy because you went directly to the point.

  2. This is a great point to bring out to audience. False advertisements brings costumers that could be loyal and tremendously big. Especially an advertisement that provides a fast food restaurant diet, that is target to general public and it creates a loyalty to the restaurants, which after all it is false. The form that you introduced the reality from the false advertisement is great, it shows great points that most of the costumers of subway does not even know!
