Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Think Outside the Bun

"While the ad may portray a humble and simplistic approach, Evidence proves otherwise, showing that every element of the ad has been carefully chosen to “deceive” drivers into buying their food."

Through It's color, logo and slogan, this ad captures the attention of drivers along interstate 45 by means if its simplicity. These three elements which stand on a billboard have been carefully selected by its creators in order to grab the attention of hungry travelers, luring them in through an arrangement of methods. It's bright purple color directs the eyes of its customers off the road and to the sign. This color has been chosen for multiple reasons, but in this case it seems to be used to bring attention to the sign. The slogan, "Think outside the bun", also implies a few things. It is basically making statements like "Stop being a follower", and "Be an individual", while also saying things like "Buy our food!". It is effective because it indirectly states that anyone who were to eat at their establishment would somehow be more intelligent than someone who were t eat at a McDonalds. The irony of the situation is that it's basically the same food, and that there is probably not any special benefits you can receive by picking one over another. The third element, the bell symbol, is effective as well in attracting customers. By creating something easily recognizable, people are able to relate the imagery of the bell to the decent taste, cost, portability and quickness of the americanized Mexican food.


  1. 1. To start off with I absolutely agree with you that the color, purple, used in Taco Bells ad does attract drivers attention. Even though I'm not a fan of this fast food place, when I'm on the free way for some reason this ad catches my eye. The color is so bold yet as you mentioned simplistic.

    2. As for the slogan "Think Outside the Bun", I never paid much attention to it but from reading your blog yes I think that it is a psychological strategy used to gain customers to "Be Different".

    3. Finally I like how you stated clearly that it is Americanized Mexican food not authentic Mexican food. Reason being is because I know people who still believe they are getting the exact same thing a Mexican place would serve, but just at a cheaper cost.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. First off i like your the fast food place you picked because I think nobody in class picked Taco Bell, so good choice. I like the word choices you choose such as luring, simplicity, etc. I like how you describe the color purple and how it captivates the eye by being the background color of the ad. Your topic seems very interesting and it makes me want to continue reading about americanized Mexican food. Plus I haven't actually noticed the bell until now that you mentioned it haha.

    Good job :)
