Tuesday, April 5, 2011

childhood obesity

While the Burger King advertisements seem promising, its claims that their kids meal is cheap, has a unique look, and guaranteed free toy is just a cover up For instance, the ad omits the nutritional content, the marketing tools used to attract children, and tricks kids into thinking they will be given a sufficient toy. I believe that action is needed in order to prevent advertisements installing unhealthy eating habits in children. Advertisements are paid to promote and sell, not to worry about health problems. Parents are therefore responsible for knowing what chemical additives and unhealthy products that go into their child's food. Children are unable to distinguish the difference between healthy and non healthy foods, their naive minds thus make them susceptible to the influence of commercials. For example, by having loud and bright colors fast food companies attract a child's attention and make them subconsciously want to purchase their foods. Children are basically being brain washed. The programs that children watch encourage them to eat at a specific place not just for the "food", but also for what the place has to offer like free toys. After all more advertising does equal more consumption. It is disgustingly amazing how effective advertisers are able to make a family (more than one customer) eat at their fast food restaurant all because of a child. The constant exposure to advertisements has led children to view advertisements as normal and with trust. However, the truth is that children are becoming obese thanks to their ads and left being overweight even into adulthood.

1 comment:

  1. I do believe truly in your article. Companies are using toys to draw kids into starting habits at a young age and try to gain their brand loyalty. It is something that has even caught the white-houses attention. I'm not personally an Obama fan, but truly believe that is wife has some valid arguments and is fighting a battle that should have been fought long ago. Thank you for your article.
