Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Burger King Commercialism: Messing with your mind

Burger King commercialism has had a dramatic and modernization influence not only on diet and health, but on popular culture by offending today’s children, women, and the whole Burger King Franchise.

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Not much focus is being put into today’s commercialism audiences like Burger Kings “It’ll blow your mind away” advertisement , now children everywhere can see images only mean for adult audiences. As Joe Gandelman states in his article Burger King’s New Ad: A New Low In Vulgar Ads Aimed At Young Customers, “And Burger King? Not that we’re in the business of suggesting that corporations should bump their ad companies, but Gawker says it more bluntly than we can (WARNING: Some adults-only imagery):” (Gandelman,3). This source gave the reader a insight into the focuses on the obscene publicity of BurgerKing’s adult form advertisement. Sex sells but there is a boundary to what should be published to the public. Today’s youth is growing and some advertisement oversees the fact that children are being exposed to the disgraceful announcement. From the start a person viewing the image automatically gives the Super Seven Incher a human form making the reader a bit uncomfortable depending on the age. A mature and educated reader might feel offended by the nonsense and might speak out about how the advertisement is very inappropriate and disrespectful towards the young ones. On the other hand, a young immature person might find the advertisement a bit comical, making it seems as if it was okay for the publication of a women who seems to have a blow up doll look. The advertisement might have been a bit settle if it was just the sandwich and the model but the writing basically gave it its sexual nature. At the bottom it clearly states, “Fill your desire for something long, juicy” if the reader stops reading there, they know the sandwich is not the typical burger. Once the description has started it only gets more intuitive of sexual matter, “Yearn for more after you taste the mind blowing burger”. Age and gender plays a major role on a persons outlook on things suggesting people will have a different outlook on how they see sexuality.


1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with your thesis that advertisements are becoming more and more sexual. The fact that your ad contains the statement “Fill your desire for something long, juicy” is disturbing to me. These ads are seen by children, as you said, and it is important that they are not being exposed to inappropriate material.
