Sunday, April 3, 2011

Deceptive "Hero's" Attraction with a Sauce of Unjust KFC's Manipulation.

While this KFC value meal advertisement claims to provide its customers with “a lot of food” and points out its connection to a “Guitar Hero” video game, it fails to explain this connection, hides the high caloric content of this food, and tricks people into thinking this KFC meal is cost-efficient due to amount of food, when in reality it would be more filling and cost-efficient to eat a regular home dinner.
Body Paragraph:

Even though this KFC box meal ad claims there is “a lot of food” provided by this menu item, it hides the caloric content and the quality of the food in it, which endangers the customer’s health. The first slogan attempts to draw an imaginary connection between a “Fully Loaded Box Meal” and a fully loaded gun, which brings a sense of adventure and masculinity to this product. The words “fully loaded” on this ad are supposed to make customers assume there is something special, fulfilling and adventurous in this meal. However, this food is low in nutrients and vitamins and provides a customer with fat, cholesterol, cancerogenic products of thermally processed grease, and many other ingredients that will damage children’s health. The meal presented in this ad consists of deeply fried items ( chicken wings, chicken sandwich, fries), and a sugar-loaded soft drink. This meal consists of seven items that add up to approximately 1500 calories, which is too much for one meal for a physically active adult. The study conducted by the National Bureau of Economic Research by professors Shin-Yi Chou, Rashad Inas, and Michael Grossman suggested, that there is “a strong positive effect of exposure to fast-food restaurant advertising on the probability that children and adolescents are overweight”( Chou 610). The research was based on observation of children of 3-11 years old, their exposure to fast food ads, and their food choice patterns. The scientists also suggested by this study that “a complete advertising ban on television would reduce the number of overweight children ages 3-11 in a fixed population by 18 percent” (Chou 610). Even though they were talking about TV ads, the same strategy could be applied to internet advertising given that more and more children are spending most of their time at their computers. Therefore, KFC’s claim about the value of their box meal is false and it will be more cost-efficient and healthy to eat at home.

The Redesigned Ad:


  1. I absolutely loved reading your post. It is definately informative about how many calories are in this fully-loaded box. I remember seeing commercials for these and kept thinking that it was death in a box.

    I definately liked the way you wrote that this "fully-loaded" box is compared to a "fully-loaded" gun. Most people who are just reading the ad would miss that idea completely but it is a great way to describe the box.

    I like the redesigned ad because it describes what the company is hiding from the consumer. Though the food may look appealing, the calorie content is too high for my taste!

  2. 1. I really enjoyed reading your thesis and paragraph because you thoroughly explained the different aspects and claims of your ad, like the unhealthiness of it.

    2. I liked that you tied TV ads to your ad because it is a major marketing source that fast food restaurants use to reach children and

    3. Also, talking about the "fully loded box meal" slogan, was very interesting and I learned that this sloagan is used to "make customers assume there is something special, fulfilling, and adventurous about [the] meal."

  3. I read your complete paper in the Peer Review and I enjoyed it. Quotes are intergrated well. It brings fluidity in your paper. Also, your revise ad proves your point of this meal is the Deceptive Hero. Catchy slogan!

  4. 1. I found that your blog was very informative. It made me rethink about eating at this place ever again. I like how you got straight to the point and stated the harmful facts about KFC.

    2. The slogan "fully loaded box meal" caught me by surprise because had I just seen or read the slogan never would I have thought that it had a deeper meaning or goal in attracting the customers.

    3. Finally the article that you used did your blog justice. I was able to relate to the article and your blog and see just how it backs up your claim.

  5. Great research Maria. I enjoyed reading what you had to say about KFC because I am a big fan of this fast food joint. I am always trying to see both sides to a story and you were able to give KFC a different identity which I like. Now from what I have read I will think twice before buying a meal there and watch out for my calories.
    Great Work!

  6. I liked your comparison of the box being advertised as "fully loaded" to a gun. In a way I can see some similarities. When a meal is 1500 calories, one meal...
    I guess they are both pretty deadly. This opened my eyes to how destructive these things can be. Taco bell has a similar box which advertises these same types of qualities.

    And the fact that they are advertising inside of an advertisement is pretty sickening. As if bringing you into their restaurant and getting you to buy their food wasn't bad enough. They print off advertisements for more products while your eating, embedding these images into your head. What makes it worse is that the ad isn't even relevant to the food.
