Tuesday, April 5, 2011

wendys baconator

While this advertisement for Wendy’s Baconator makes it seem cool and challenging, it hides a not-so-fun fact—that the product advertised, if eaten regularly, can and will lead to obesity. I intend to prove my point, along with other points including how the automobile and our lack of physical activity are linked to Americas growing obesity problem.

In his book, Want Fries With That, Scott Ingram states, “In a nation such as the United States, where portion sizes have consistently increased since the late 1970’s…” The Wendy’s Baconator is a prime example of this, clocking in at almost 1600 calories, not to mention the fries and drink. That’s almost as much as nutritionists say that a human is suppose to have in an entire day. Not only are advertisements seducing people into eating these larger quantities of food, but the people that work at these places do as well. As soon as you tell them what you want the cashier asks if you want to make it a large or biggie-size before you can finish talking. Then they ask you if you want to add a slice of pie or cheese sticks with your meal, its’ like putting this pressure on you to order more. It’s not only happening at fast food restaurants, value meals at places like Chili’s’ are often the ones with the highest number of calories, like the Texas Cheese fries and the Cajun pasta. If you order a couple orders off the value menu, you get a free desert.


  1. Its intersting that one burger can have all the caliores that a person should conusme in a day. What is the bacantor its not describe in the paragraph. I like the way the sources were incorporated to the essay.

  2. I liked your post and from your research I learned that the caloric content of this burger is extremely high and is enough to substitute all of the day's meals. I agree with your points about unhealthiness of this food. Your way of presenting your claims is efficient and very persuasive.

  3. I definitely agree that fast food places are putting more and more pressure on consumers to consume more food and make their already unhealthy meals even more unhealthy. I also found it interesting that you mentioned, Chili's, which is not a fast food restaurant, as a comparison to Wendy's to show that the food their is unhealthy too. I found this to be very effective.
